Drop-In Campaign
Learn about and join in my D&D 5E West Marches-style game
To join in on a drop-in campaign, here's three ways to get started:
1. RSVP for one of the available drop-in games > show up and choose a premade character > Play!
2. RSVP for one of the available drop-in games > Make a character > Play!
Drop-in campaigns are organized on the Eventyr discord server. Available quests for drop-in games can be found here.
Read on for more information about the campaign, character creation, and other details.
What is a West Marches / Drop-in Campaign?
A West Marches campaign is a player-driven D&D game that breaks away from the traditional structure of scheduled sessions with a fixed group of players. Instead, it offers a dynamic, sandbox-style environment where you decide when to play, who to adventure with, and what quests to undertake.
In a West Marches campaign, the players self-organizes, signing up for sessions together and choosing what they'd like to do. There's no set plot or storyline; instead, you decide where to go and what to do, exploring the vast, open world of Eventyr (my homebrew sandbox world) at your own pace. The game world evolves in real-time, with your actions and decisions shaping the course of the campaign for everyone.
Benefits of a West Marches Campaign
Flexibility: With no regular time or party, you can play when it suits you, with whoever is available. This makes it ideal for players with varying schedules or time commitments.
Player Agency: You're not just following a predetermined plot; you're creating your own story. Your decisions matter, and you have the freedom to explore and interact with the world as you see fit.
Dynamic World: The world of Eventyr is alive and constantly changing. Your actions have real, lasting consequences, and the choices you make can shape the world for other players.
Community Engagement: West Marches campaigns foster a strong sense of community. Players are encouraged to share their experiences, discuss strategies, and plan future adventures together. We use a Discord Server to accomplish this.
Adventure Awaits: With a sprawling map full of uncharted territories, hidden treasures, and dangerous foes, there's always a new adventure waiting around the corner.
Check the schedule for upcoming drop-in games and sign up for a session
Review the quest board for available quests in the world of Eventyr
Join the Eventyr Discord server to coordinate and chat with fellow players and DMs
Create a character and join in!
(Easy mode: Show up 10 minutes early and pick from pre-generated characters)
Here are some additional details to help ease the way:
Dungeon Masters: Both I (Marc) and my partner (Sean) run drop-in games using this system. Each drop-in session will specify who the DM is for the session or, if it's not announced initially, we'll reach out to let you know a few days before the game. We are both experienced DMs who have worked together to create the content for our homebrew world of Eventyr.
Timing: Each week, I update my availability for drop-in games on my website and the Eventyr Discord server. If you're interested in attending a drop-in session, sign up on my website for one or more of the available times and review the quests on the quest board (updated regularly) to decide what you want to play. Players participating in an upcoming session should decide together what quest they want to undertake in their session.
Between Sessions: Each session starts and ends at a dedicated "home base" for the characters. This safe space is where characters can rest, recover, and purchase goods and services. During each session, characters depart from the home base to explore Eventyr or undertake a quest. While at the home base, your character is safe and will not be impacted by any events occurring in the world.
Characters: To play in a drop-in game, you'll need a character between levels 1-5 that meets the guidelines specified here. If you want to create a character outside of those guidelines, please chat with me. If you already play in one of my regular campaigns and want to use your existing character, that's perfectly fine (as long as they are between levels 1-5). Characters level up on a milestone basis, so the more you play, the more your character will level up! If you want to use D&D Beyond to create your character, let me know and I'll send you the campaign link so that you can access all the sourcebooks.
Players: Anyone is welcome to attend a drop-in session. We play in person in the Denver Metro Area, though I am open to scheduling remote sessions as well. This setting is not ideal for absolute D&D beginners, but if you have even a little familiarity with the game, you're welcome to attend. (Newbies can talk to me about scheduling a "how to play" workshop before their first session.) Current players are encouraged to bring along friends, family members, or anyone else they think might enjoy the game (just make sure to register them for the event, so I know who is coming). If young children (under the age of 8) want to play, they are welcome, but please let me know beforehand so I can adapt the session to a younger audience.
Cancellation: If you can't make it to a session you've signed up for, no worries. Just post in the scheduling channel on the Discord server and we can open up your spot to someone else. Please let the group know as soon as possible if you can't make it. If no one has signed up for a session two days before it is set to begin, the session will be cancelled.
Cost: Unless otherwise noted on the event page, these drop-in sessions are free. While I do host paid sessions occasionally, I normally run drop-in games at no cost. This can be a great way to see if you enjoy playing with me and might want me to run a paid one-shot or campaign in the future.
Location: The location of drop-in games will be announced at least two days before the session. More than likely, we will meet at my home in East Denver, but depending on the size of the party and the location of players, we may meet at a local game store instead. I'll make sure you know as soon as possible where we're planning to play.